White Paper: What Could Kill NSTIC? A friendly threat assessment

At two events 18-months apart, teams of suits, geeks, and wonks (industry experts, technologists, public policy analysts) brainstormed and scored what could lead to failure of NSTIC, an international effort to create an identity ecosystem. The whitepaper at http://pde.cc/nsticrisks recaps the long list of potential threats, a shorter list of preventive strategies, compares the 2011 and 2012 events, and names the two greatest threats: poor user experience (harming trust, adoption, use) and imbalance among the forces tying the identity ecosystem together.

Mydex at 12th Internet Identity Workshop

Mydex attended and learned a lot at the 12th Internet Identity Workshop, the Identity Commons’ working group unConference in Mountain View where the best ideas on user-centric digital identity, individual control over personal data and VRM were first…

Mydex completes significant step on way to new personal data ecosystem

Mydex CIC has successfully trialled a live user-driven data service with external verification of claims. This is a major step towards the creation of the interoperable and standard personal data ecosystem necessary for what has been described as buyer…

The case for personal information empowerment – The rise of the personal data store

I am delighted that we have managed to bring Mydex forward onto the next stage in its journey and quest to bring the personal data store ecosystem alive. We published a white paper this week that I think will be a seminal work.  The journey is long bu…