Semantic Translation in Event Systems

The title to this post probably makes it sound much more grandiose than it is. Still there’s an important kernel here I don’t want to lose, so I’ll write it in my exocortex.

Suppose I’ve got an evented expense report application that…

Our Conversation with John Battelle

John Battelle wrote a post about an app called Tapestry last week. An app he wishes existed and that we aim to enable through our work and that of (the Locker Project) community. After his post, John started an offline conversation with Jason, much of …

A Facebook of Things

Marc Benioff has spoken about “social products and services” at multiple events over the last year. He uses Toyota Friend as an example of a social product. Here’s a video of a joint Salesforce and Toyota press conference where Benioff …

Personal leverage for personal data

VRM is starting to snowball. You can see it in the Twitter scroll there on the right, and in Twitter searches for #VRM. Gaining velocity lately is personal data. To look down that vector, I’ll connect several links.
The first is Show Us the Data. (I…