Could the Fiscal Cliff Kill NSTIC?

Cuts are coming to US federal government spending in the new year. Cuts will come by cleaver if a “fiscal cliff avoiding” budget is passed or with a chainsaw if Congress and the President fall over the “cliff.” High hopes fly for an international identity system that works across industries, technologies, governments, regulatory schemes and still […]

What technologies do PDEC startups use? [Free Report]

PDEC publishes a report showing which technologies personal data ecosystem startups use. Considered are architecture, user identity and authentication, data models and types of personal data, access APIs, privacy and security methods, and interoperability scenarios.

Kevin Marks: Google Plus must stop this Identity Theatre

Bruce Schneier in Beyond Fear coined a phrase:one of the goals of a security countermeasure is to provide people with a feeling of security in addition to the reality. But some countermeasures provide the feeling of security instead of the reality. The…

Nothing to Hide?

I had not heard of Truth-Out until Matt pointed me at this article.
Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff Between Privacy and Security
by: Daniel J. Solove, Yale University Press | Book Excerpt
I have often questioned the tangled semantics and interpreta…