Personal leverage for personal data

VRM is starting to snowball. You can see it in the Twitter scroll there on the right, and in Twitter searches for #VRM. Gaining velocity lately is personal data. To look down that vector, I’ll connect several links.
The first is Show Us the Data. (I…

The Data Bubble II

In The Data Bubble, I told readers to mark the day: 31 July 2010. That’s when The Wall Street Journal published The Web’s Gold Mine: Your Secrets, subtitled A Journal investigation finds that one of the fastest-growing businesses on the Internet…

Beyond caveat emptor

First, three posts by JP Rangaswami:

Does the Web make experts dumb?
Does the Web make esperts dumb, Part 2: who is the teacher?
Does the Web make experts dumb, Part 3: the issues

His bottom line in the last of those: “… people are saying the web…