
Personal Data Journal #2

This Issue Contains Feature Article: Understanding OAuth Book Review: “Big Data and Privacy” Opinion: “What does a Free Market Look Like”, by Allen  Mitchell Opinion: “Kids and Personal Data: What you need to know   about COPPA”, by Denise Tayloe. Publisher’s Note: What’s NSTIC Got to Do with Personal  Data”. Editorial: “Security and Competing”. + Industry News, Upcoming EventsEvents, The Latest on Standards and […]

Personal Data Journal: First Issue Complete!

Personal Data Journal  is the essential monthly guide written by and for personal data ecosystem pioneers. In each monthly issue, our experienced reporting team and respected guest contributors track, distill, and make sense of the 100+ emerging standards, rapidly growing number of listservs and companies, analyst reports, social media buzz, news, and insider talk. The first […]

Who Stewards the Personal Data Question? Org Chart

Note: This post was originally published at Below is a diagram showing the non-profit organizations (note: no for-profits, conferences or governmental orgs were included) that are stewarding pieces of the Personal Data Ecosystem. I wanted to show how the orgs are relating to the problem of how to remake our digital lives, through more […]

W3C Identity in the Browser Workshop

Kaliya Hamlin submitted the PDEC position paper Empowering Individuals with Tools to Manage Their Personal Data (PDF).