Igniting the Personal Data Ecosystem Deep Dive Workshop, April 7th in Palo Alto

Igniting the Personal Data Ecosystem Deep Dive Workshop April 7th in Palo Alto

Within the STL Partners/Telco 2.0 New Digital Economics event.

Link to the event page http://bit.ly/pdew

This event brings together three different communities focused on this area:

Telco 2.0 – a conference and analysis offering by STLPartners for the last several years and is has key forward thinking leader of that industry participating

* The World Economic Forum recently released a report in this area Personal Data: An Emerging Asset Class and is promoting the event as a venue to make progress on the action items (see below)

* The Internet Identity Workshop / User-Centric Identity Community focused on emerging open standards, innovative startups and open source efforts. Along with the Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium that is coming together.  We have been tracking the industry on our wiki and there are over a dozen startups in the space and over a 1/2 dozen open source projects.  You can see all of the ones we know about on our wiki http://hub.personaldataecosystem.org.

You can see the notes from various sessions in the last several years at IIW.  http://iiw.idcommons.net/Personal_Data_Ecosystem-Notes this year is sure to be even richer and deeper and building on this event a month before.

At the deep dive workshop the event will be facilitated by me and the agenda will be made live the day of the event.  It will be a rich and deep discussion and action planning meeting about making key aspects of the ecosystem real.

Their is a 20% discount – VIP946.  Along with prices for " there are some ‘early bird’, ‘Independent Developer/Start-Up’ and ‘team’ discounts available.  See workshop & Register here http://bit.ly/pdew

Like all the events that I run participation is more important then your ability to pay. If you feel like you have something to contribute and can’t afford it please contact me.
