Speaking of Speaking.. the Personal Data Ecosystem Emerges

The last two weeks I’ve been speaking a lot. Why?

On 1/28/11 I was at She’s Geeky SF leading a session with Kaliya Hamlin, Executive Director of Personal Data Ecosystem, where about 50 women came to talk about what this emerging organization and space are all about, and hear about what Kaliya Hamlin and I were submitting to the Department of Commerce in response to their Green Paper. On 1/3/11 I was at BigDataCamp 2011 (the night before O’Reilly’s Strata) in Santa Clara, to lead a session on Personal Data Ecosystems. And on 2/3/11, I was on a panel called CRM versus VRM: Who Controls the Conversation at the Conversational Commerce Summit in SF. Also talking about the Personal Data Ecosystem.

Why all this talking? Well.. as I mentioned Kaliya Hamlin and I have submitted a response to the Department of Commerce Green Paper where they asked for comments about the FTC’s Do Not Track proposal and options for how to protect user privacy and conduct secure logins, while still engaging in what the DOC does.. which is advise Congress on how to promote commerce in the Union.

I’m the Chair of the Board of Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium.

And I’m currently writing a response to the FTC’s Do Not Track proposal.

Why all this work? Well.. I think the two extremes of on the one hand: shutting down tracking, or on the other: allowing a sort of “business as usual” stance for the intense tracking that goes on as we traverse the web, use our cell phones and generally act through digital mediums aren’t the answers. We do need to dramatically alter what is happening, but not shut down the data.

Why? Instead of do not track, I want there a systems where *only I can self tracking*. Because I am the *only* ethical integration point of data about me.

Can you imagine if we did a “do not track” in 1979 when Airline Mileage Programs were just getting started? People have benefited enormously from them.. to the tune, per the Economist in 2005, of $700 billion in benefits. People want some self tracking, if they get something of value. They may want their histories private, but able to share a score or a piece of it, when they want. Because our data is gold. And we deserve to benefit from it.

We need to track ourselves, but only if we want to. And there needs to be no tracking of us, across sites, if we don’t want it. But if we do, we need the ability to take our data, aggregate it, and trade it for goods. And to correct it, or delete it Like free plane tickets. And a lot of other things I think we can’t imagine now. Because the Personal Data Ecosystem, and things like Vendor Relationship Management are just getting started.

We need to limit the surreptitious stalking of ourselves across digital platforms and sites by others, and take back the ownership of our own data, to be aggregated, deleted and managed only by the individual. And traded when we want to in a marketplace. And we need 4th Amendment protection for our personal data stores.

And we need marketplaces, much like the Mileage marketplaces, that allow us to trade our information, we need Personal Data Services that will store our data, make it portable, so that we can move our data when we want to (think taking your money from one bank and putting it into another) and we need an applications market for developers to do creative and interesting things with our data.

It’s time.