Place-Based Networks

Here’s a thought-provoking piece on place-based networks from Gideon Rosenblatt.

Imagine if the Internet worked the way the real world does – and that physical places still helped build connection and community.
That’s the idea beh…

Foursquare and Personal Data in a Personal Event Network

Lately I’ve been exploring APIs that push data and the use of personal data. While we’re proponents of the Evented API specification, there are already a number of APIs that push data in some way. One of those is Foursquare.c…

A Web of Things on the Internet of Things

This article by Marshall Kirkpatrick describes why the Internet of Things is real and happening right before our eyes. The Internet of Things is happening because more and more things are being connected to the ‘Net. This, of course, is …

What Personal Event Networks Do

I put together a slideshow that gives our thinking on personal event networks and how they related to current trends around mobile and social.





