When Blockchain Meets GDPR – A Thorny Technical Challenge

Not a day goes by that I don’t see an article pop up about GDPR and blockchain, but rarely do I see them come up in the same context, so I thought I’d write one. Here is the question, can a company use blockchain to manage transactional records with people and not run afoul of […]

Tick, tick, tick. it’s here … GDPR!

May 25th GDPR DAY! It’s here, today is the day. After a ticking clock, the day has arrived. May 25th – the GDPR has gone from discussion and preparation to reality. Or has it? With today being a Friday, and Monday being a bank holiday across most of Europe, the real impact won’t set in […]

GDPR Readiness: Ostrich or Scout?

GDPR Readiness: Ostrich or Scout? In 1907 the motto of the British Scouts was devised, Be Prepared. It was first published in 1908. The Boy Scouts of America adopted it in 1910. A Scout must BE PREPARED. When Robert Baden-Powell, the originator of the motto was asked, prepared for what, he replied, “Why, for any […]

PDEC’s GDPR Series # 4 – Guest Post from Iain Henderson

NOTE FROM DEAN: Our GDPR countdown series continues. This is a guest post from Iain Henderson. A member of PDEC since its inception, I’ve known Iain from the beginnings of Project VRM, where he and I were charter members and we both served on the Steering Committee. Iain’s quickie bio reads as follows: Father, data geek, […]