Archives for June 2011

The Information Needs of Communities

Part 1 of 5:
This is the first in a five-part-series on the decline, fall and possible renaissance of local news.
In this first installment, I’m going to share key excerpts from a very interesting 475-page report on the state of local news by the F…

Two-thirds of Consumers Say Government Should Help Safeguard Online Privacy

A May poll conducted by Consumer Reports shows that two-thirds of consumers feel that the government should be involved with safeguarding their online privacy, while 81 percent of respondents agreed that they should be able to permanently opt out of In…

VRooMing along

A quick progress report on a number of VRM fronts.
First, lots of action around, a VRM company in South Africa. To get some background on context, start with KYC: Know Your Customer. This good-sense imperative takes on official qualitie…

New paper on Wi-Fi positioning systems

Regular readers will have come across (or participated in shaping) some of my work over the last year as I looked at the different ways that device identity and personal identity collide in mobile location technology.
In the early days following Google…