It is a constant complaint: We’re choking on information. The flood of data on the Web has reached mind boggling proportions, and it shows no signs of stopping. But wait, says Harvard professor Ann Blair in an NPR radio program — this is not a new condition. It’s been part of the human experience for […]
Information overload is not unique to Digital Age
XDI : Best Practice for Healthcare Federation
XDI technology promises to solve several critical data federation challenges–security, inter-operability, and portability. By adopting XDI, cloud service providers could enable information to be made available more seamlessly to the people who need it, while allowing individuals to maintain a high level of control concerning access to the data. Neil McEvoy, an identity […]
Event – EUROCPR 2012 : "Policies For The Future Internet" 3/25
EuroCPR is organised annually with the ambition to contribute constructively and critically to European Information Society Policy developments. The conference addresses the use of ICT throughout society and economy as well as the evolution of the ICT…
Hilary Mason Wants To Get You Started With Big Data
I spent part of this week with Hilary Mason, one of the smartest people that I know in Big Data. She works as the Chief Scientist for and has a wealth of skills at her fingertips that bridge computer science and mathematics. Plus, she is used to…