1 Million People for Personal Data

Any new technology ecosystem has chicken-and-egg problems, and this one is no exception – which comes first, the people who want personal data stores or the companies that offer them?

We know the people who want personal data stores and services – our job at PDEC is to help them gather together so it is easy for companies working in this space to find end users eager to try personal data stores and services.

We are developing an online community strategy to grow a community of at least 1 million people keen on being a part of making the vision real by diving in with alpha and beta ecosystem services.

You can join right now by signing up for movement mailing list and we will send you updates about the ecosystem as it evolves.

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Companies in the Startup Circle and Incumbent Industry Collaborative will be able to tap this pool of individuals to invite them to be early adopters. This pool of individual personal data enthusiasts will also be a pool of people to develop setting defaults, testing usability of services, participate in innovation games around future product features and service offerings.