Mydex attended and learned a lot at the 12th Internet Identity Workshop, the Identity Commons’ working group unConference in Mountain View where the best ideas on user-centric digital identity, individual control over personal data and VRM were first developed and shared.
Mydex got two peer awards: Iain and William each got one for progress with the community prototype over the last year. Iain got another specifically for sticking with this long-term vision for longer than it has been called VRM. So William and Iain went away laden with wine; Iain also got a unique box of chocolates pre-grazed by Craig Burton.
They’re informal and fun events conducted with disarming amounts of laughter. But they’re very serious, stimulating and hugely ambitious. This is our core peer group. Cheers Drumond; cheers Doc; cheers Kaliya, Phil and all for all the hard work organising #IIW.