Google+: The Pretty Data Bow

With Google+ it appears that Google is pulling out all the stops and bringing its information might to the party, and in the process may be in a position to have an even better user data trove than what Facebook has achieved to date.  What's mor…

Considering digital footprint within wider interdependencies: access, control, store, attributes and rights..

The definition of digital footprint DATA in the following blog is used with the most all embracing and generic meaning of data which includes all raw data (collected, implicit, implied, passive or active collection); meta-data (data that …

The Social Contact Center: At the Hub of Conversational Commerce

Featured Research
Shoppers and browsers turn to the Web, search engines and social networks for advice and information about goods and services; but the phone (especially mobile) and contact center resources still figure prominently into their convers…

Tech Update 6/6 – 6/10

It’s update time and we’ve been working hard so let’s dive into what’s been done this last week.

Release 0.1.0

Another milestone reached and we’ve tagged a release! Release 0.1.0 is focussed on a complete bottom to top stack, for Contact…