Personal Clouds and Augmented Reality

I was invited by Christine Perey to present at the 9th Augmented Reality Standards Community Meeting in New York City. We are kindred spirits – like my work in identity and personal data bringing together a whole range of organizations, companies and people

She is bringing together the range of standards organizations who’s work all touches on Augmented Reality this slide deck articulates the current landscape.

Last night I attended the ARNY (Augmented Reality NY) meetup and saw several different head sets presented.  The only AR use cases that I had known/heard about were for people in every day life.  What I was excited to see and learn about was the application of AR to commercial applications where employees at work would be using glasses to do their work.  The  warehousing application is a classic.  A retailer like Walmart using Augmented Reality to help inform customers while they are in the store to share more information.  It was an “ahah” for me…like oh those use cases make sense to me becasue they don’t involve me as a citizen walking around the street having my face recognized and then being “identified” by people walking around wearing google glass. The other thing I learned that was kinda important – Google Glass is NOT augmented reality.  AR is a layer over what you are looking at and google glass is a screen that is little in front of your eye.

I see a great opportunity for those building Augmented Reality applications for people using both Public (open) Data and Commercial Data (navigating a retail store or information about a particular product) to really improve the relevancy of the experience they present by drawing data from the wearers personal cloud.