Qiy and Synergetics join the Startup Circle

While at the New Digital Economics event in NYC,  Qiy [pronounced “key”] based in The Netherlands and Synergetics based in Belgium formally joined the startup circle growing the number of companies participating in our startup circle program to 19 and the number in Europe to 6.

Please read the following summaries they wrote to describe their efforts:
Qiy. Netherlands
Your digital me
The mission of the Qiy Foundation is to offer a trust framework to declared digital identities. Qiy is an independent and secure infrastructure, which enables an individual to create an intelligent personal domain online, thereby giving individuals control, overview and insight into their data. With this infrastructure Qiy creates a ‘digital home’ for every one. Qiy users have the possibility to store their data in their digital home as well as to receive data from relevant organizations. In this way, individuals get a clear insight in their own situation because organizations present their data through the Qiy platform to the individuals. Organizations do not only give back the information they have to the individual, but also make available relevant applications. These applications enable individuals to gain insight into their own situation as they are allowed to interpret personal data within the safe walls of the digital home. Qiy is an answer to the ever-increasing amount of data on the Internet and prevents the wandering of personal information on the Internet. Qiy is an ideal translated into an independent initiative for everyone. Marcel van Galen, Bram Neuteboom, Maarten Louman

Antwerp, Belgium.
As an innovation company, Synergetics initiated multiple larger European, as well as Dutch and Flemish research projects (Prolix, TAS³, TenCompetence, Codrive, Kennisnet ePortfolio & IBBT projects). Their results are consistently built into the Synergetics Employability Process Platform, which supports employability related business processes such as learning (LCMS/LMS), knowledge production, & competence development, certification of acquired competences, and competency, matching and HR-process integration. Synergetics invented the concept of employabilityPortfolio as the (virtual) placeholder for all related Human Factor data and, as the HR-XML Competency chair, Synergetics is currently managing the development of a new global standard for competency profiles. Synergetics is partnering with the world’s leading technology vendors such as GiuntiLabs (LCMS-based content production facility, mobile learning), Xerceo (enterprise integration of learning and knowledge management), Intalio (BPMS/SOA) and integrates open software components where possible: Liferay, Alfresco, Fedora, Intalio, etc… Luk Vervenne, CEO.


Companies interested in joining the startupcircle should contact Kaliya Hamlin the Executive Director director@personaldataecosystem.org.

All applying companies are asked to answer the following questions and the answers are peer reviewed by a panel existing members.

1a. Who will be in control of the data – also to ultimately delete or move data to another vendor?

1b. How do you intend to support Open Standards or otherwise support a users move to another vendor?

2. How will the user benefit (e.g. socially, professionally, or commercially) from the use of their data?

3. Are you ready to express the above in simple and clear terms as a promise to the users of your product/service?