It is a constant complaint: We’re choking on information. The flood of data on the Web has reached mind boggling proportions, and it shows no signs of stopping. But wait, says Harvard professor Ann Blair in an NPR radio program — this is not a new condition. It’s been part of the human experience for […]
Information overload is not unique to Digital Age
5 February 2012 by
Six Provocations for Big Data
14 September 2011 by
The era of “Big Data” has begun. Computer scientists, physicists, economists, mathematicians, political scientists, bio-informaticists, sociologists, and many others are clamoring for access to the massive quantities of information produced by and …
The Altruism Instinct
16 May 2011 by
I recently signed up for 23andme, a genetic testing and DNA ancestry service. Once I set up my account, an intriguing request popped up: Would I like to contribute my genetic information and supplemental survey data to a study called 23andwe? The in…