Building Blocks

It has never been my object to record my dreams, just to realize them.
– Man Ray
Over the past several weeks, Singly has begun to take shape. Since we’ve been heads down working on product development, I’d like to share some of what we’ve accompl…

On the shoulders of Giants

We’ve been busy over the past few months. We’ve grown, hit our stride as a team, and have hit a major product milestone we’re thrilled about. We’re also fast approaching the Web 2.0 Summit, where Jeremie is outlining a vision for the next 10 …

Why We’re Excited

Today is a good day for our first blog post. Some great things have happened lately that are too good not to share.

First off, it seems most of us made it through the rapture
Secondly, we’re settled into our first office in the Mission in San F…