The Personal Data Locker Vision Video

Aside from people in the audiences for my keynote speeches, only 250 people have seen this video. I am making it public in hopes that people will find it, learn from it, and join me in making the vision a reality. The first reaction to this video is that it’s a dream and a vision but not very connected to reality. That’s why I wrote a 200-page book to back it up. If you want to see how we’re going to get there, read my book and read this blog from cover to cover. There are dozens of start-ups already in this space. I am looking to start one or join one and give people power over their information. If you are a venture capitalist or know one – please tell other VCs to come see this. It isn’t a dream. We are building it. It will someday be bigger and and thousands of times more useful than Facebook. It will power the information that powers our lives. It’s surprising how little gets done in a year, but it’s also surprising how much changes in ten years. In ten years, the personal data locker will be an essential tool for most people, and dumb phones will be many times more popular than smart phones.

I have invested quite a lot of my own money in making this video. Many thanks to the guys at HOPR who produced it for me. I hope it starts discussions and helps me attract talent and investment capital. I hope conference organizers will see it and ask me to come speak to their audiences. I hope everyone working in this area will use it to convince their investors that this is going to be big.

Once, Google was just two guys and an algorithm. Once, Myspace ruled. Once, Microsoft made things people wanted. Once, big software was the solution to big problems. Now things are different. This is what I think is the next big thing. Put on your headphones, click the HD in the lower right corner, watch the video, then help spread the word.

Thank you. (Please follow me on Twitter.)