
Aggregated blog posts from the community (including ourselves)

Data is the new gold, comments on speech by @NeelieKroesEU

Neelie Kroes Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Data is the new gold Opening Remarks, Press Conference on Open Data Strategy Brussels, 12th December 2011 SPEECH/11/872

Brussels, 12th Decemb…

When Big Data says "Happy Christmas", what is the sentiment?

When Big Data says “Happy Christmas”, what is the sentiment?
I always say “Happy Christmas,” however, this year as I write my chosen Christmas messages, I am forced to consider what someone else’s algorithm will imply about me, based on my use of…

Incredibly, HR 2577 has NO definition of Personal Data. How can you defend something if you don’t know what it is???

Incredibly, HR 2577 has NO definition of Personal Data. How can you defend something if you don’t know what it is???

Notifications in Personal Event Networks

If you’re old enough to remember WordPerfect on DOS, it always came with a stack of disks for the printer drivers. That’s because DOS had no printer drivers. Every application had to handle the printer itself. Every program treated the …