
World Economic Forum meeting

June 7, 2011 – Vienna, Austria Kaliya Hamlin convened dinner with three startup circle members the evening before the WEF meeting in Veinna: Markus Sabadello from Project Danube, William Heath from Mydex, and Shane Green from Personal. Kaliya Hamlin was an active participant in the WEF Rethinking Personal Data meeting in Vienna.

Federated Social Web Europe/International Summit

June 3-5 2011, Berlin Kaliya Hamlin attended this summit, along with Markus Sabadelo and Henrik Biering. Markus and Henrik agreed to act as liaisons between the PDEC community and the Federated Social Web (FSW) efforts as FSW moves into the W3C.

Quantified Self

May 28, 2011, Mountain View, CA Mary Hodder attended Quantified Self (QS) and led a session on Developing Health / QS Apps in a Personal Data Ecosystem model. More.

W3C Identity in the Browser Workshop

May 24th – Mountain View, CA Mary Hodder presented the Personal Data Ecosystem philosophy. More can be found about the workshop here. Kaliya Hamlin submitted the PDEC position paper Empowering Individuals with Tools to Manage Their Personal Data (PDF).