
PDEC Movers, Shakers and Bakers

We invite you to help the PDEC community build an online directory of Personal Information Economy (PIE) Movers, Shakers, and Bakers (MSB), the individuals and organizations, that are shaping and contributing to the growth of the personal information economy. Movers – Those that drive growth, influence and make investment Shakers – Disruptive innovators and commentators within the personal […]

An Alternative Point of View on Personal Data and Patents

PDEC member Stan Smith offers this guest blog post on patents and Personal Data.  Stan holds a number of patents, and feels this is a genuine method of doing the right thing.  From time to time we’ve noticed that patent-holders raise hackles among those who champion open source, and feel there is a major difference […]

Video: The Personal Data Locker

People often ask us to talk about how things will really work. I think one of the best video’s articulating this is from David Siegel. He created the Video as part of the content for his book Pull. It demonstrates what the opening of your day would be like with your personal data locker. Personal […]

WEF Report #3: Unlocking the Value of Personal Data!

The World Economic Forum released its third major report about Rethinking Personal Data: Unlocking the Value of Personal Data: From Collection to Usage. PDEC has worked with the WEF’s Rethinking Personal Data project since before its first gathering in the Summer of 2010. It is really gratifying to see this third report come out and […]