OAuth: New Chain Grant Type

I posted a new Internet Draft, the "Chain" grant draft today for the consideration of the OAuth2 working group. The specification defines a new grant type that enables an OAuth protected service to in turn act as an OAuth client to another OA…

New: “OpenID, Successful Failures And New Federated Identity Options”

Though there’s still a creepy fuzzy anonymous head where my picture is supposed to be, I’ve got my first post up on the Forrester Research Security & Risk blog. It discusses the recent 37signals decision to stop using OpenID and the larger “b…

OAuth: Emergence of Network Centric Identity

For 5 or more years now, there has been a push by many in the identity management industry to rally around the idea of user-centric identity. Why not give users complete control over information being shared between web sites? From a web service provid…