On the shoulders of Giants

We’ve been busy over the past few months. We’ve grown, hit our stride as a team, and have hit a major product milestone we’re thrilled about. We’re also fast approaching the Web 2.0 Summit, where Jeremie is outlining a vision for the next 10 …

VRooMing along

A quick progress report on a number of VRM fronts.
First, lots of action around TrustFabric.org, a VRM company in South Africa. To get some background on context, start with KYC: Know Your Customer. This good-sense imperative takes on official qualitie…

Why We’re Excited

Today is a good day for our first blog post. Some great things have happened lately that are too good not to share.

First off, it seems most of us made it through the rapture
Secondly, we’re settled into our first office in the Mission in San F…

The Altruism Instinct

I recently signed up for 23andme, a genetic testing and DNA ancestry service.  Once I set up my account, an intriguing request popped up: Would I like to contribute my genetic information and supplemental survey data to a study called 23andwe? The in…