Archives for December 2010

Kim Cameron – Microsoft: A Privacy Bill of Rights proposed for the US

The continuing deterioration of privacy and multi-party security due to short-sighted and unsustainable practices within our industry has begun to have the inevitable result, as reported by this article in the New York TImes.
A Commerce Departmen…

Podcast Episode 6: John Battelle

In this podcast, Kaliya and Aldo interview John Battle about his recent post on SearchBlog titled Identity and the Independent Web, (October 21, 2010). In it, we learn John’s views as to the benefits of providing people the ability to present a more “nuanced” identity online. We also discuss the implications of personal data stores to […]

Doug Richards on Mydex: “I think you’re onto something huge”

Mydex was invited to present to Doug Richards’ School for Startups at the Good Deals social-investment conference. The challenge: to outline what the “personal data store” is, why the world needs it, what Mydex does and why it is a social enterpr…

The price for free online service, down to the last decimal

I’ve been thinking lately that websites should display a pie chart showing what you’re really paying for “free” online services, just to show that it really does always add up to 100%. Something like this:

Now Drummond points us to the world