Over the last decade, I’ve lived my life more publicly than I did before thanks to the rise of technologies like blogging and Twitter. Many of my friends don’t understand the level of information I’m willing to just put out for the world to see or wha…
Building a PubSubHubBub Endpoint for Kynetx
25 February 2011 by
The Live Web already exists and is exemplified by emerging technologies and concepts such as PubSubHubBub and webhooks. PubSubHubBub (PuSH) is a method for augmenting RSS and Atom feeds that turns the formerly request-response-style interaction of …
Conversational Commerce Update: End-user Advocates Set FTC Straight on Personal Data Ecosystem
22 February 2011 by
In a tour de force of clear writing and exposition (albeit in 33 typed pages), Kaliya Hamlin and Mary Hodder, executive director and chairman, respectively, of the Personal Data Ecosystem Collaborative Consortium (PDECC) have provided the U.S. Federal …