PDEC Startup Circle members met with Privacy Commissioner of Ontario before IIW

PDEC Startup Circle members met with Privacy Commissioner of Ontario before IIW

Dinner with Ann Cavoukian, Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

(L-R: Kaliya Hamlin – Executive Director PDEC, Markus Sabadello – Project Danube, Drummond Reed – Connect.me, Mike Schwartz – Gluu, Michelle Chibba – Director of Policy with office of the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Ann Cavoukian – Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (standing), Jason Cavnar – Sing.ly (standing), Shane Green – Personal (standing), Henrik Biering – Peercraft, Joe Andrieu – Switchbook,Mary Hodder – Chair PDEC, Iain Henderson – The Customer’s Voice. Missing from picture Lindsay Crittendon– Sing.ly who also attended.)

Ann Cavoukian is well known for her Privacy by Design initiative and was in San Francisco to speak at Web 2.0 Summit, held concurrently with IIW. PDEC arranged a dinner with the Startup Circle companies and Cavoukian for the Sunday prior to the conferences. The conversation was wide ranging and those present had a chance to share how they were building privacy-by-design into their core business and technical architectures. We also discussed the challenges in the ecosystem and how she would support privacy-by-design initiatives.