It is a constant complaint: We’re choking on information. The flood of data on the Web has reached mind boggling proportions, and it shows no signs of stopping. But wait, says Harvard professor Ann Blair in an NPR radio program — this is not a new condition. It’s been part of the human experience for […]
Information overload is not unique to Digital Age
Context aware computing and futurism at Intel
At the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco in September last year, Justin Rattner, the director of Intel Labs, announced a new research division, called Interaction and Experience Research (IXR) and headed by Genevieve Bell, and also presented a …
The business of personal data
The World Economic Forum just came out with a report, “Personal Data: The Emergence of a New Asset Class,” that surely is going to raise some controversy, as it explores what it means to commercialise personal data and make good money doing so.
The business of Inclusive Design
Last year I wrote about the book “Innovating with people – The business of Inclusive Design” by the Norwegian Design Council.
It provides an introduction as to how Inclusive Design can be used as a strategy for better business and as an opport…